26 - 30 MARCH 2025

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Experiments and Narratives in the Moving Image

March 29, 2025

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Central Theatre

Speakers: Kary Kwok, Ellen Pau, Alice dos Reis and Chanel Kong (Curator, Moving Image, M+)
Moderator: Aaditya Sathish (Curator, Art Central 2025)

From the latter half of the twentieth-century, video art has been a medium that is both formal and experimental. It has had the ability to catch the immediacy of certain moments, while also being a medium that allows for editing, speculation, and navigating myriad realities. Kary Kwok and Ellen Pau have been conducting expeirments into video in the 1980s and 1990s, reflecting on notions of the body and its alienation, while Alice dos Reis has been working in formats both digital and analogue, carefully treading the line between fiction and reality. Chanel Kong meanwhile is Curator, Moving Image at M+, and most recently worked on Shanshui: Echoes and Signals, an expansive exhibition that reflects on space and silences. Through the course of the conversation, the three artists and the curator, in tandem with Aaditya Sathish, will expand on the choices that take place in working with and showing the moving image.

Image: Ellen Pau, Drained 溜, 1988, Video Still. Courtesy of the artist, Kiang Malingue, and Videotage

26 - 30 MARCH 2025