26 - 30 MARCH 2025

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in the shadow of the cosmic

March 25, 2025

2:15 PM

Central Theatre

in the shadow of the cosmic (2023) is a performance-lecture exploring the multiplicity of the avatar. Expanding Poh’s YOUNG BODY series, the character E-Ching is placed in conversation with vocal clones, anime characters, 3D influencers, and other entities in a vast digital constellation. The performance-lecture traces a technological lineage from the East Asian economic miracle of the 1980s and ’90s and the emergence of techno-orientalism, positing that the digital image of the East Asian femme body was borne at a confluence of these historical flows. Pertinent to the work is the recursive logic of Daoism, in which image, self and cosmology reverberate in endless loops. Combining video, live performance and sound, in the shadow of the cosmic is a call to re-open questions of being and becoming.

26 - 30 MARCH 2025