
The Sovereign Art Foundation

Sovereign Art Foundation:漫索情感工作坊

Sovereign Art Foundation 歷年舉辦的互動教育工作坊,致力為參與者帶來透過藝術感知情感的體驗。

與八個藝廊合作,舉辦方專為是次展覽準備的圖冊將引導參加者自行歷索 Art Central 展會以及一系列精選展品。活動以 Sovereign Art Foundation 場內的展位的創意工作坊作結。此為免費活動,雖為6至12歲的兒童而設,但歡迎不同年齡人士參與。

活動於展會期間全天候進行,參加者可於任何時候到訪 SAF 展位索取活動圖冊開始你的旅程。

無需事先登記,Art Central 門票已包括活動費用。


A Gallery
K 藝術空間
Double Q
Guns and Rain
Square Street Gallery
Vain Projects

About the Sovereign Art Foundation

The Sovereign Art Foundation (SAF) is a charity founded in 2003 that uses the therapeutic power of expressive arts to support wellbeing and positive change in vulnerable children.

The unique approach of its flagship programme, Make It Better, combines expressive arts workshops for children with special educational needs in Hong Kong with education, training and support for their caregivers and educators, delivering real impact.

SAF’s established fundraising model uses regional art prizes to recognise and promote contemporary artists, whilst raising funds to support its core mission. These art prizes offer supporters a remarkable opportunity to engage with the contemporary art world while supporting a worthwhile cause. This model has so far raised over US$11 million for artists and charities worldwide. SovereignArtFoundation.com
