26 - 30 MARCH 2025



Our inaugural edition welcomed five ambitious, large-scale installations. 

Li Hui

The Bridge, presented by Parkview Art Hong Kong

Chinese art star Li Hui is represented in Art Central’s Projects sector with his monumental sculpture, The Bridge. The 13m long and 6.5m high stainless steel work is a commentary on war and peace.

Jeffrey Gibson

What we Want, What we need, presented by Marc Straus

American artist Jeffrey Gibson has created a new body of work for Art Central’s Projects sector, continuing the use of his signature intricate beaded work, inspired by his Native American ancestry.

Taylor Kuffner

Kebangkitan (The Red Birds), presented by Sundaram Tagore

American multimedia artist Taylor Kuffner presents a new work in his Gamelatron series entitled Kebangkitan (The Red Birds). The work is made of mechanized Indonesian gongs called gamelons, and shows Kuffner’s talent as a composer as well as visual artist. This work will be enjoyed by diners in Art Central’s pop-up restaurant and bar, The Continental.

Stella Zhang

0-Viewpoint-6, presented by Galerie Du Monde

Critically acclaimed for her multimedia art, Stella Zhang engages with concepts of femininity, sexuality and the status quo in her practice. Commissioned for the occasion, Zhang will create an allencompassing hand-sewn installation as a major public project at the first edition of Art Central. Zhang was born in China, but now lives and works in the US.

Lan Zhenghui

Re-think, presented by Ethan Cohen New York

Rising Chinese ink painter Lan Zhenghui will debut a new series of monumental ink paintings at Art Central in a sitespecific installation.

26 - 30 MARCH 2025